
Just a Cup of Water Overview

First of All, God Bless, and may the peace of God be with you.

Writing Comics isn't the easy. Nobody said it would be, but there's something harder. Writing Christian Comics. Some may say it's just as easy to write a Christian Comic then a regular comic but honestly it isn't, see regular comics are meant for entertainment, while Christian comics are have to carry a message, a Christian message. All comics have messages they are based on, but christian comic is more difficult to write simply because you always have that fear that it won't be accepted because it's christian, because it's of good nature, the society of today doesn't believe in sin, everything is accepted, and since we don't believe in sin, we don't believe in anything being "wrong" we have no moral values, no ethics. There is not right and wrong, no black and white, only grey. Now I would love continue speaking to you on this topic, but this is not what I'm here to say.
I'm here to speak to you about the most important comic I've ever written, and the major themes that support it. I'm here to inform you about "Just a Cup of Water".
First let me give you a synopsis of the story:

Matthew, 30, is having mayor problems in his life, he has sought cover in alcohol, in loneliness, and most of all, he has sought cover in the absence of the presence of God in his life. In the physical world  he is living in a parking lot, in the spiritual realm ( where the story takes place ) he is living in a desert. He is constantly tormented by demons and his thirst is incredible. Depression and anger are in his heart, he spends his days wishing he wasn't were he is, yet not have the will power to leave everything he knew and trusted behind. An Angel shows up, and convinces him to go drink water from the highest mountain in the desert. That it would release him of his demons and the desert. All he had to do was trust in the God who sent him. Matthew eventually does, and God sends to Christians Knights to aid him on his quest, Nick a christian who doesn't believe he should really be risking his life in the desert for "Some Punk who bound to return", and Mark a rookie Christian who has lots to learn, and Courage is one of the things he must learn. Together they set out to the the Hill, but Matthew isn't the only one with a giant to defeat, Nick and Mark have inner demons of their own.

It's all a big allegory that speaks to many of us in our current generation. We all have our problems, we all have to confront something, whether it's the consequences of your actions, or your pride, there is always a fight going on. See the thing is though that what ever you're fighting you need to do it together alongside fellow Christians. We have been fighting this war by ourselves for so long, when we should really be together.  We are the body of Christ, a body is always together, and when it isn't something is really wrong, and much pain follows, that is exactly how Christ feels as we continue to drift apart from other denominations. ( Even though they shouldn't exist since we are the church of Christ ). Unity is what we need, as society turns against us, against all the goodness left on this earth. So if you got nothing out of reading this, at least get this: We need Unison in the church as much as we need anything else. We cannot continue to underrate this fact, it's caused enough problems already.

I leave you with that. If anyone wants to read the Script or has any questions Shoot me an Email to marinesofchristcomics@yahoo.com.